Yarmouth Approves Two Single-Use Plastics Bans – USA
Posted on April 28, 2023 by DrRossH in Plastic Limiting RegulationsSustainable Practices filed the petition articles that will ban the commercial sale of single-use plastic water bottles under 1 gallon in size beginning December 31.
Executive Director Madhavi Venkatesan said they also saw approval for their article banning single-use containers and cutlery for take out food starting September 1 of next year.
“The primary reason there is because the hotter the food item; the higher the probability of leaching into that food item from the plastic in terms of the chemical. The fattier the food item the same thing. But ultimately plastic is just not healthy for us,” said Venkatesan.
This is such a simple way to limit plastic bottle pollution. It would reduce bottle litter presumably by the millions in that community alone.
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