Plastic waste in marine ecosystems cost US$13bn in damages
Posted on July 14, 2014 by DrRossH in Plastic Waste NewsPack Web Asia – Plastic waste in marine ecosystems cost US$13bn in damages.
Valuing Plastic’, a UNEP-supported report produced by the Plastic Disclosure Project (PDP) and Trucost, makes the business case for managing and disclosing plastic use in the consumer goods industry.
The report has found that the overall natural capital cost of plastic use in the consumer goods sector each year is US$75 billion – financial impacts resulting from issues such as pollution of the marine environment or air pollution caused by incinerating plastic.
The environmental damage due to plastic waste includes mortality or illness when ingested by sea creatures such as turtles, entanglement of animals such as dolphins and whales, and damage to critical habitats such as coral reefs. There are also concerns about chemical contamination, invasive species spread by plastic fragments, and economic damage to the fishing and tourism industries in many countries – by, for example, fouling fishing equipment and polluting beaches.
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