SA seeks consultation on more plastic bans – Australia
Posted on January 11, 2022 by DrRossH in Plastic Limiting RegulationsSource: SA seeks consultation on more plastic bans – Inside Waste
On 1 March 2021 South Australia became the first state in Australia to ban plastic drinking straws, stirrers and cutlery from sale, supply or distribution. Under the next milestone of South Australia’s single-use plastic ban on 1 March 2022, expanded polystyrene cups, bowls, plates and clam-shell containers, and oxo-degradable plastic products will be banned.
The South Australian public, businesses and industry have embraced these changes, quickly adapting and adjusting to alternatives but we want to bring them along on the journey.
“We now invite South Australians to be part of the process to decide which single-use plastics we tackle next. The discussion paper outlines plastics items the public could consider, such as coffee cups, plastic bowls and plates but we want to hear from the community. Importantly we won’t be banning any items unless there are readily available alternatives.”
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